Africa of Tomorrow Association(ADD)

By investing in education and promoting transparency, we are building a better future for Africa together.

Welcome to Africa of Tomorrow Association

About Africa of Tomorrow Association

Afrique de Demain Association (ADD) is a non-profit association founded in 2012. Our mission is to contribute to the development of French-speaking Africa by implementing educational projects and providing relevant political, economic and social information.

12 Years of Bettering Lives

Help To Change a Life Forever

Integrity is at the heart of our organization. We are committed to acting honestly, transparently and ethically in all our interactions, upholding the highest standards of professional conduct. We believe in individual and collective responsibility in all our activities.

Commitment is what motivates us to pursue our mission with determination and perseverance. We are committed to our work and we fully invest in every project we undertake. We believe in the value of hard work and determination to achieve our goals.

Our Mission

Find Popular Causes


Ensuring access to quality education for all, promoting literacy, and supporting schools in underserved areas.

  • $9000 To Go 80% 80%

Food & Clothes

Collecting and distributing clothes and food to those in need, especially during harsh weather conditions, is a common initiative.

  • $6000 To Go 50% 50%

Health & Medicines

Tackling issues like disease prevention, improving healthcare infrastructure, and providing medical aid to vulnerable communities.

  • $11000 To Go 63% 63%
Our Latest Events

Upcoming Events

Social Reform

Social reform is like the superhero cape for creating positive change in society. It involves challenging and changing existing norms. Africa of Tomorrow Association’s play a crucial role in driving social reform through various avenues:


Ensuring access to quality education for all, promoting literacy, and supporting schools in underserved areas.

Food & Medicine

Africa of Tomorrow Association’s work towards ensuring everyone has access to sufficient, nutritious food. This might involve food distribution programs, community gardens, or initiatives promoting sustainable agriculture.

We have deep respect for all people, regardless of their origin, culture or social situation. We believe in the importance of diversity and are committed to treating everyone with dignity, compassion and fairness.


Projects Funded


Active Cases


Worldwide Offices



Our Team Members

Our Volunteers

Sophie Morgan


Michael Chang


Rachel Bennett


John Rodriguez


Paul Roger


Jelly Doe


Diana Smith


Simi Morgan


Our Blog

Our Latest News

Who We Are

We Need Your Support to Ease Their Life

We need your support to ease their life. At Africa of Tomorrow Association (ADD), we are dedicated to making a meaningful impact and creating positive change in communities worldwide. With your help, we can achieve remarkable things. Join us today and be a part of our mission to create a better world. Together, we can make a difference.

Contribute with Us

Charity For The People You Care About

At Africa of Tomorrow Association (ADD), we are on a remarkable journey of empowerment, creating positive change one life at a time. With our innovative programs and initiatives, we leave a lasting impact on the world. Join us in our mission to create a better world and become the catalyst for change. Together, we can achieve remarkable things.

Words from Community

What They ThinkAbout Us

Join the Africa of Tomorrow Association (ADD) community and discover what they’re talking about us. From captivating designs to a seamless user experience, our minimalistic approach leaves a lasting impression. With over 10,000 successful campaigns worldwide, our innovative programs create positive change one life at a time.


I chose to contribute to Divi Plus NGO because of their transparent practices and commitment to making a real difference. Seeing the tangible results of their efforts has strengthened my belief in the power of collective action.

Bela Doe

The Divi Plus NGO team goes beyond just addressing the symptoms of the issue; they work tirelessly to tackle the root causes. Their holistic approach and dedication to sustainable solutions make them a beacon of hope for Food & Clothes.

Maria Arthur

I attended one of Divi Plus NGO’s awareness events, and it was eye-opening. The organization’s commitment to education and community engagement is evident. They’re not just solving immediate problems; they’re creating a foundation for lasting change.

Martin Luther
Director of Marketing

Supporting Divi Plus NGO has been a truly rewarding experience. Their unwavering dedication to education is inspiring. I’ve witnessed the positive impact they make, and I’m proud to be part of this compassionate community

Jacob Arthur
Creative Director

Completed over 10,000 Successful Non-profitable Initiatives Worldwide.